Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision

Physical Therapy Advisory Committee



February 8, 2007

NOTE: This meeting will be held at the office of the Board, 5104 North Francis, Suite C, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, in accordance with the Open Meeting Act.

9:00 A.M.   Call to Order


      Approval of the minutes from the December 14, 2006 Committee meetings

      PUBLIC HEARING on proposed permanent rulemaking –

OAC 435:20-1-1.1. Definitions [AMENDED] and OAC 435:20-7-1. Supervision of Physical Therapist Assistant [AMENDED] - the Committee will take comments and make a recommendation to the Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision on adoption of the amendments


            Bryson Carroll Harris, applicant for Physical Therapist licensure

            Dustin Burrow, PT – appearing at the Committee’s request


            Shayla Clabaugh, applicant for Physical Therapist Assistant exam and licensure

            Barbara Ann Dougherty, applicant for reinstatement of Physical Therapist licensure

UNSCHEDULED ITEMS – the following will be reviewed, discussed and, if necessary, acted upon:

1)  Applications for licensure/examination

2)  Continuing education requests

3)  Request from Myra McLaughlin to earn all continuing education credits in Category B

4)  Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy 2007 Budget

5)  On-line renewal process and jurisprudence exam update   

New business – "New business", as used herein, shall mean any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the time of posting of the agenda.

PT207 (2607)